GoTo Developer

How to create an OAuth client

Once you have a GoTo account, you can create an authentication client on the site. GoTo uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication.

The authentication client connects your developer account and the GoTo products you specify. It provides a client ID and a client secret you can use in the authentication process to request an OAuth access token.

Create a client (Details)

  1. In the current portal, choose OAuth Clients from the menu. If you have not created a client yet, you see the intro graphic. Choose Create a client to continue.

  2. If you already have clients, they are listed here. Scroll to the bottom of this listing and select Create a New Client.

  3. On the Details page, enter a Client name, an optional Description, and at least one Redirect URI. (Click Add to add additional redirect URIs.)

  4. Click Next to continue.

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Create a client (Scopes)

A scope is an authorization from the end user to let your integration to act on their behalf with a specified product. This is completely independent of the permissions that the user has in their GoTo account or products.

The user will be prompted to allow these scopes when they log into the product during API authentication.

  1. Select the products and functions you intend to include in your application(s).
  2. For GoToConnect, you can select the product to include all scopes, or unselect the product and choose individual scopes as needed.
  3. Click Save.

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The following image shows the GoToConnect scopes in detail.

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Create a client (Credentials)

The client credentials are displayed. It is important to note that the client ID and client secret are required during authentication. The client secret is displayed here ONCE, only during client creation. Then it is hidden and irretrievable.

  1. Copy the client ID.
  2. Copy the client secret.
  3. Click the box 'I have stored the client secret.'
  4. Click Done.

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If you are using Postman as your API development platform, you can store client data in your Postman environment, though this has security limitations.

Production Rate

Once you are ready to go live with your client, visit this section to get higher rate limiting.