GoTo Developer

How to use Voice Admin APIs

The GoToConnect Voice Admin API allows applications to access phone numbers within an account (Organization).

This API requires the following authentication scope that should be used when an access token is requested from the Authentication API.


This article assumes you can make API calls successfully which requires:

Usage Guidelines

The Voice Admin API assumes clients are implemented in such a way that unknown attributes are ignored. The addition of new response attributes may occur at any time, for any API response, without prior notice. This is not considered a break in backward-compatibility.

Usage Examples

Fetch Phone Numbers of the Authenticated User Organization

You can use the /voice-admin/v1/phone-numbers from the Voice Admin API to fetch the phone numbers of the authenticated user organization.

First, retrieve the accountKey on:

And then, copy the accountKey attribute value, present in the response payload root.

cURL example

curl "{accountKey}" \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Successful Response Example

  "nextPageMarker": "a159e8fbea8e53848",
  "items": [
      "id": "358e38be-e468-11eb-1a03-0842ac140103",
      "accountKey": "12345678",
      "number": "+15145552672",
      "name": "TMBG Dial-A-Song Line",
      "callerIdName": "Jawn Dough",
      "routeTo": {
          "id": "925183e1-07ed-4250-be65-43a7bc2j1659",
          "type": "EXTENSION"

Here is a screenshot of the same data in the admin portal directly:

13 HOW phone numbers

Fetch a specific phone numbers of the authenticated user organization

You can use the /voice-admin/v1/phone-numbers from the Voice to fetch a specific phone numbers of the authenticated user organization.

cURL example

curl "" \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}'

Successful Response Example

  "id": "358e38be-e468-11eb-1a03-0842ac140103",
  "accountKey": "12345678",
  "number": "+15145552672",
  "name": "TMBG Dial-A-Song Line",
  "callerIdName": "Jawn Dough",
  "routeTo": {
      "id": "925183e1-07ed-4250-be65-43a7bc2j1659",
      "type": "EXTENSION"

Here is a screenshot of the same data in the admin portal directly:

13 HOW phone number detail